Tag Archives: second opinion



Because of the seriousness of the cancer plaguing me, and the bleak prognosis, my oncologist offered me a referral to the Mayo Clinic for a second opinion. I felt comfortable with her assessment, but with life in the balance, why not?

At 5 am the day after the Great Prayer Meeting, Heather, the girls and I were up and on our way to the Mayo Clinic. My aunt and uncle, Becky and Tom, live in the area and are familiar with Mayo. They cleared their schedule to spend the next two days with us at the Clinic. My cousins, Mike and Laura, also live in the Rochester area and graciously offered to put us up in their home and watch the kids while we were at the clinic. These selfless people were a huge blessing, and helped make the Mayo experience a good one from beginning to end.

You could use a lot of words to describe the Mayo Clinic and Impressive certainly is one of them. The employees, the facility, the procedures—everything is the best there is. My first visit was with a Pulmonary Specialist. He had a great way about him and was in no hurry at all. He ordered a fresh chest x-ray and labs as part of his examination. We spent considerable time with him and got all our lung questions answered. When we were done he asked, “Would it be alright if we prayed?” Well, I suppose it would! He led in prayer and he sure prayed! What a great first appointment!

Tom and Becky took us out for lunch and we had a wonderful time. In the afternoon we sat and waited for an impromptu opening with a dermatologist, but a space never opened up. But it was a great afternoon with nice people. We then went to Mike and Laura’s and were treated to a delicious chicken dinner. The kids had a great day too. When we retired for the evening we found a robe and flowers in our room. These people went all out to serve. Wow.

The next day was an appointment with an oncologist for a second opinion. Again, she was in no hurry and we spend a considerable amount of time with her. She had just viewed the new x-ray that had been ordered the day before. The tumors and lymph nodes had significantly decreased in size. Upon a physical examination, she had a difficult time even feeling the tumors and lymph nodes. She asked me to explain what had been discovered with all the tests so far. She had that info, of course but apparently wanted to hear it all from me. I described all the places with cancer, the tumors and all the locations where there were enlarged, cancerous lymph nodes. Here’s what she said: “Well, if you say that you had all those tumors and enlarged lymph nodes, I believe you. But I see little evidence of that now.” Huh? This was the first we heard how the Lord was working. Two days after our prayer meeting and this Mayo specialist says essentially, things look pretty good today! We talked more about how lung cancer is a nasty, aggressive cancer and has an appetite to return wreak havoc ASAP. She evaluated the treatment plan and concurred that it was the best plan. As a result we were of course greatly encouraged, and felt like we were in good hands with our God and competent physicians.

Again, Tom and Becky took us out for lunch and then we went to pick up the kids to head back home. Thank you Mike and Laura for your wonderful hospitality and Tom and Becky for taking us under your wings. The Mayo trip lasts in our memories as a great experience and a shining example of family being family. Our God knows our needs and we can trust Him to fill our needs. He is a good God.

If you want to read past editions of It’s Cancer click on to “Dan’s battle with Cancer” in the right column.

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Posted by on March 31, 2014 in Dan's Battle with Cancer


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