Tag Archives: Adam and Eve


In Genesis chapter three the serpent, or the devil, twists God’s words for the first of zillions of times. Often the devil includes some truth in his words to make it acceptable or believable, but also includes enough error to cause lots of trouble. Millions of Bible ignorant Christians fall for his lies because they are not students of the Words of God. Millions of Believers fall for every new wind of doctrine that blows through the church because of the same reason. When the devil talked to Eve he included both truth and error. As a result, Eve saw some good in the evil, something that benefited her. Justifying evil, seeing the good side of evil, something in it that benefits us is a common but grave mistake. The lie from hell that evil isn’t all bad is indeed a lie, and indeed from hell.. We don’t have to look too far to see or hear someone telling us why evil isn’t really that bad or perhaps not bad at all. The prophet Isaiah said, “Woe to those who call good evil and evil good.” Yet evil and good have never before been so twisted than these latter days.

After Adam and Eve sinned they heard the Lord calling for them and they hid from Him. Imagine, trying to hide from God! It seems silly and in vain but it happens all the time, in one way or another. When you talk about your faith to unbelievers, you run into a type of hiding often. It is in the form of putting the God issue off for another time. It is the equivalent of plugging one’s ears and shouting “lalalala”, and thinking for this reason the issue will go away. Of course this is silly. Not dealing with God does not make Him or the issue of our sins and the need for forgiveness go away. Day after day, month after month, year after year and decade after decade goes by and millions who even believe there is indeed a God in heaven, and that He will eventually judge them, pass time without considering the plight of their souls. They try to hide from God.

Do any of us really think we will somehow not have to face God because of:

  • Not believing in Him
  • Not thinking about Him
  • Hiding from Him
  • Redefining evil and good

Sooner or later we all will have to answer the question Pilate asked the Jews all those years ago:

“What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”

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Posted by on June 18, 2015 in Genesis, Miniblogs


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